Thursday 24 February 2011


Man these dreams and boredom drain the life out of me. Preston can be such a bore. As Tennessee Williams would say, drunk at a casual conversation… “yeah you’re right Felix.”

Anyway, I have to do these essays and in order to do them, since they are articles, I need other people’s opinions in them. As I’ve learned the hard way and mentioned a few posts before from that comment from an ex-teacher of mine, “no body cares what you think”, hence the blogging and the efforts of writing songs.

So, I woke up at 9 today, went to an interview that I had arranged a couple of days ago with a career’s advisor to discuss the raise of unemployment figures in the U.K and whether the University students and graduates should start reasearching for unique ways of suicide since they won’t be able to get a job at what they studied in the future or they should keep their cool cause after all there’s hope. Long story short that interview went really well, the woman was really helpful and polite and the only thing she didn’t do was to give me a candy after the interview was done.

After that, I decided to go and see some professors and arrange interviews with them about my next articles. So, here’s me entering this tall ass building on a bright sunny day, with my heavy khaki coat on, my hat and my back pack half-full with books and notes. The building was a good 10 minutes walk from where I was when I finished my first interview so it’s needless to say that I was thinking how stupid I am for getting dressed so heavily. But on my defense British weather is like that 2girls one-cup video. Everything goes right till the girls start playing around with shit eating them swapping them from their mouths etc. So yeah it can be really hot and then BAM surprise you with cold winds and rain.

I enter the elevator half sweating on my way to the second floor. I got to the reception and a girl behind the desk approaches me and asks if she could help me. Ofcourse she could, I tell her what I was looking for and she gives me the names of 5 different professors. I’m getting really excited thinking BABABOOEE that’s sweet, but I speak out the words “thank you very much” and I’m on my way to find them at their offices.

I get to the first guy’s office. His door is wide open, he’s sitting on his chair, legs crossed with a cup of coffee/tea infront of him and he’s talking to another professor I think I’m not sure. I stand outside of his office trying to be polite and wait till they finish talking when he sees me and says “may I help you?”. I try to explain what I’m after and before I even finish my first sentence he interrupts and says “ha…you want to interview me now? No way…I have no time” I smile and say “I know, i’m looking to arrange an interview with you”. Again, he says “no can do” sitting there in his professor’s chair points at one of the notes on his door and says “read what it says there”… The poster has a gay ass purple bunny-lady on it smiling and says something witty about how he is not responsible for our inability to manage time.

I thank him none the less and I’m off to find the next professor, thinking that since I have the names of 5 more guys here I can’t go wrong.

I stand outside the next professor’s office waiting him to finish from a meeting he was having with a student. From his voice he sounds friendly and approachable so once again I think “BABABOOEE…here we are”. He finishes with the meeting and as the student opens the door, the professor sees me and says “please come in may I help you?”. I start explaining him what I wanted and he says…”you want to interview me?” I try to begin my sentence saying “yes please, whenever you have…” and he stops me and says “no I decline” and turns back to his work. No explanation. I mean, come on now, at least tell me “I decline cause I don’t like your face and if I listen to your stupid accent/ talk to you more than 5 minutes I think I’ll come out with a life-long trauma”. That’d be ideal. But no he says nothing. Leaves it to that he “declines”. Who says “I decline” in an everyday conversation anyway…

Long story short, if I ever become a professor which I doubt it, please slap me in the face. Not that there are no nice professors but the majority of those I’ve met are like jocks, star wars geeks or even math geeks. Think they are superior, just because they are surrounded by books and have a cup of coffee in front of them. You once were a student too and if you have that attitude now I’ll take it that either you didn’t have many friends or before you become a professor the secret professors society operated on you and replaced your heart with some kind of a machine and instead of blood you run on math equations and fancy big ass confusing words.

One day I will build my own University with my own rules. Rule number one I don’t know…just be nice, I guess? and don't pinch each other.

p.s: a few weeks ago I was thinking of blogging for the University I’m currently in for future students giving them a taste of my life and experiences in the U.K, well I turned that down, but here’s a picture that sums it up real well.

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