Main topic of discussion in the media these days all across “GreeceLand” is the bribery of political parties, by the multinational company “Siemens”, that took place back in 1999 and it was in the “dark” until the present.
Let me give you a feedback, for those that are not familiar with the subject. In 1999 a representative of the famous multinational company “Siemens” visited a member of a Greek political party and offered him an amount of money, 240.000 Euros, in order to support the party’s political campaign.
I don’t know why everyone keeps criticizing and asking for answers though. These people (politicians) are the ones who fight and care the most about us regardless if everyday a different one seems to know what’s best for a whole nation.
As we all know politicians are good people and they don’t want to make other people’s lives difficult, and when Mr Tsoukatos was asked by the “Siemens” representative for the money to be put in an account number outside
The world is cruel though and unfair, as we all know, and the political party removed him from a member because of this so called “scum”. He is also going to go through a court case that is due on Saturday, 28th of June, to defend himself and proudly prove that pure deed he did for the best of his party and our country.
It was not a scum, it was a fundraising campaign with the help of a multinational company that donated 240.000 Euros to that party, and maybe others as well that haven’t brought to the light yet.
Now I can’t wait to see what will come next because this seems to be interesting. All the political parties are pointing fingers, putting the blame on each other asking for the truth to be brought in the light and justice to replace this corrupted case. There is no such thing as corruption in the world of politics, GET THE STORY STRAIGHT. It is just a man’s (dirty one’s) world.
This is an ongoing case and everyone, from all the political parties, is looking for the “light of the justice” but I’m afraid that all of them have seen the light and it was too bright that turned them blind. All we have to do is sit back and see if and how this whole “pointing fingers show” is going to end.