Tuesday, 18 May 2010

We Can Raise The Titanic

The riots are over. Or so it seems. No signs of Molotov cocktails, broken windows or trashcans that were set on fire. The scent of tear gas has disappeared and the channels have forgotten all about the three people that died. It seems like both fashion anarchists and looters and fresh to the profession photo-reporters are waiting for their next chance to break through and shine. Wear their hoods/ armed with their cameras ready to give their own fight for equality and righteousness.

It’s that feeling you get after you read a feature on the web about how all these were “the calm before the storm” that actually makes you believe it. Makes you believe that the city centre of your country is actually going to turn in to a battlefield. But then I see a miracle somewhere in the horizon. To be honest, it feels like I’m the only one who sees it. There is a way out of this mess.

Many people say IMF, some others talk about help from the European Union but I say no. We can stand on our own. Let me tell you how. It seems like all the Greek female “celebrities”, will start becoming porn stars after the humble start that came from a famous pop singer/ model and whatever she thinks she is. Believe it or not, the copies of her porn movie sold like crazy. After that, another female “celebrity” made a porn movie, which came out like two days ago, while the sequel of the first celebrity’s movie is on its way. See where I’m coming from? Apart from an economical messed up country. Are you getting what I’m trying to say here? We could gather the money by making porn movies!!!!

Imagine that. I’ve never thought about it. Apart from a form of “entertainment” I’ve never thought that the porn industry had something more to offer. But here it is. Our rescue! Embrace it. As it seems by the polls 3 out of 4 Greeks have watched – either by downloading or by buying- the movies of these two so called celebrities.

So if all these so called celebrities came out and said “we’ll work our ass off (literally speaking) to save our country” EVERY GREEK, no matter political beliefs and social background, would be right behind them supporting what they’d be doing. Plus, we the Greeks are famous about spreading the love and hospitality.

So, here’s a proposal that I bet our government would love too: Drop the molotov cocktails, quit spending energy on riots and marches, shouting about justice and start making porn movies. Loads of them! Grab your camera and start shooting. Stop downloading the movies of these honest celebrities of ours that do their best in this dire time of our country and buy them. Give all your money and support them. Support your country. Watch porn.

I don’t mean that. I don’t know. We’re sinking slowly and soon enough- hopefully not- we’ll have to salute and go down with the sinking ship that they created. Enjoy your time and your summer. Hopefully I’ll find the nerve to write another entry during or before the summer. Till then take care.

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