Tuesday, 2 February 2010

The Circle Of Entity

“I'd like to think that everyone and everything is connected in someway. Thoughts, emotions, energy, space and time. And all those are as one primary entity and all are in a constant motion of momentum and change.” -


I read that on a description on a blogger’s profile, but then I realized that he was not really a blogger but he just had a google account to check on his friend’s blog and comment on it. What he wrote in his description space, seemed really profound and deep to me. So here I write my thoughts and what I learned from that quote. Because everything is connected with something and someone, in one or the other way.

We all have our genealogical trees and we are connected in many different ways. Genealogically, by different fathers and mothers, or ancestors, or same fathers that our other fathers don’t know about. We are like a big circle. A big circle going all around and round and there’s always someone behind us connected with us, as we’re trying to connect with the person who is in front of us in that giant circle.

We communicate with thoughts that we express through emotions and to do these thoughts we consume energy. We’re like hungry cars in the space and time waiting for the person behind us in that circle of life to pump us and fill us with the fuel that will make us keep the circle going.

This is how everything is kept in motion and sometimes there is a momentum change in all these things. That one primary entity, which was mentioned in the quote at the beginning, with momentum changes that is surrounded by a circle of million men and women, naked connected to each other somehow to shape a giant circle. We are all sick. This is why I don’t like thinking deep. Who’s behind me?

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