In a former blog of mine I was talking about 20 year old University students that after 2 years or 3 studying in a University, have learnt EVERYTHING about politics when infact what they know best is to produce idiotic puns and reciting words that not even a book in the fascist Germany of 1940 would have.
You can't be left, you can't be right, you can't be labelled as a "commie", "anarchist" or whatever label you want to put. But you can do that and look like a rumbling idiot if you wish, because simply you can't know everything and have opinion about EVERYTHING when you're only 20 or 21 years old. Get it straight.
"OOOOH look at me I'm gonna start rumbling about politics like I know every little thing...I'll tell all my friends and try to get the message across for someone that doesn't even know me and probably doesn't give two flying fucks if I exist or know what else is so cool...using the word "commie" it gives an essence of 40's in my speech and makes me look sooooo cool" good job...that's why you're officially a seems that you did your homework before you get out of your parents' loving arms and out to the cruel society and you're ready to impress everyone. Good Luck
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